One thing that really bogs me down with blogging though is the editing. I spend way too much time “polishing” them.
And this past week during my travels, the last thing on my mind was blogging! And perhaps there is some meaning behind all that.
Maybe it’s time to stop blogging.
Maybe it’s time to write that book on blogging I've been thinking about crafting for the past two years. Maybe it’s time to concentrate more on Groovy Reflections and give it more of my attention. The radio station and creating my show already takes up a LOT of time besides all the the other tasks related to it.
Oh, and marketing clients get in the way too. Uh, NOT! I enjoy growing my client’s businesses very much!
For the past few months I've been thinking of shutting down my MODern Marketing 4 U / ModlandUSA Facebook page. Facebook doesn't share my posts with anyone so what’s the point of having it? On the other hand, the page on Google+ is doing very well!
And I continue to find myself drifting more and more towards tasks that utilize my right brain.
Have I really fallen off the wagon? Or am I at a fork in the road?
Would love to hear from some of you when you've had to take a hard look at the all the things that mean most to you and when to shift priorities.
Perhaps I'll take Yogi Berra's advice.
When you reach the fork in the road, look for a spoon. It will get you out of the soup!
life is full of forks. it is not so much which side we chose, it is more about how we create our way, until the next fork appears.
btw ... i understand what you say about writing a blog post. it is more work involved than most people think.
i would love to write a blog weekly, but never find the time.
love and a big hug 4 u!
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